Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It was not about Owen, it was about Mommy.

Yes, I know he's waaaaay to young to care, but I just couldn't help myself.

Owen, as per the usual, wouldn't wake up for the picture, so Santa and Owen took a nap.

(Santa is a PRO.)

Finally, Thanksgiving Pictures...

The main goal of this Thanksgiving was to gather everyone together for a family picture, since we now have Owen and Auntie Nicole to add to the tally. They came out beautifully, thanks to the ever-talented efforts of Grandad...but first, here are a few snaps of the day:

Owen's Got his festive gear on...

He doesn't like the camera....

Uncle C!

Uncle D!

Now for the FANCY Family Pics:

And last, but not least, Susan!