Fame! I'm Gonna Live Forever! Kinda...


People like what I have to say....
and they talk about me on their blogs....
It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy!
Also? A little embarrassed...
But keep it comin'! Ha!

First, there is the amazing Kris over at Pretty All True

She mentioned me in one of her weekly posts called:

 Featured Bloggers 

She honored my socks off.  
You can read my blog in response, here.
Her blog is required reading, my friends.

Then, my darling friend Andrea over at He Calls Me Wifey gave me a shout-out!

She wrote a whole post about me!  Say Whaaaaat? 
She is an amazing friend, and her blog is just as beautifully adorable as she is!

Lastly, I was part of the  
"What I Thought Was Awesome This Week" feature over Beautiful Because...

How awesome is it that she thinks I'm awesome?
Pretty frikken awesome.
Her blog? You guessed it, AWESOME.
(I just started reading, but all signs are pointing to continued awesomeness)

 It means so much to me when people connect with what I write and want to share it. 
All my thanks to these fabulous women!